Steve Davis – Marketing Consultant

Marketing is at the height of its beauty and effectiveness when it demands (and gets) complete and genuine customer focus from every single soul within an organisation (including small businesses and sole traders). Even though these words are being written in 2011,...

Steve Davis – Movie Star (Adult)

In the course of researching what aspects of my life to share through my composite About Me pages, I was quite shocked to learn I had overlooked the Adult Film Industry. It took a colleague to point out that Steven Davis is a very famous gay porn star. So, being one...

Steve Davis – Jazz Musician

Jazz is my favourite music genre because at its best it showcases the height of human creativity – players encouraged to improvise with solos,complex melodies that live beyond the confines of pop, and yet, within this epicentre of competitive flair is strong...

Steve Davis – Davis Cup Tennis Player

I do feel bad, at times, when I play tennis against my mates in a “Davis Cup”, given that I am the creator and holder of the cup in question (the one we play for a is a small, earthenware goblet, hand painted with the words Davis Cup). Ironically, given the heritage...

Steve Davis – Espresso Evangelist

Coffee runs in my blood, I think. Mind you, that doesn’t explain how I lived to be 26 before drinking my first cup. But who lets such detail ruin a great catch line? This is one of the truthful biographies on this site for I am, indeed, the Espresso Evangelist and...