Steve Davis – Wine Connoisseur

Let’s face it. There is simply a lot of wank in the wine world. This is to be expected given that the wine world is also full of plenty of wine that is only really suitable for cleaning blocked drains. On the other hand, there are some exceptional wines made that take...

Steve Davis – Web 2.0/Social Networking Strategist

I am always nervous when I place “Web 2.0” in or around my title. Why do I hold this fear? Firstly, because there is a great risk of the term detracting from the foundation of marketing theory and practise upon which my strategy development work in this space is...

Steve Davis – Drummer

“You and I move to the beat of a different drum”, or so the classic song goes, however, people tell me my drumming moves to the beat of a different universe! You might say my drumming is somewhat of an acquired taste and that most of my fans do tend to turn off their...

Steve Davis – Public Speaker

I love public speaking. Whether it’s running a marketing workshop, delivering a keynote address, conducting an all-day/half-day/one-hour seminar or just compering an event, nothing really comes close to public speaking. I think my fascination with public speaking...

Steve Davis – Photographer

From working with my father in a darkroom as a young boy, to shooting coffee-table-style cookbooks, photography has been part of my life for as long as I remember. These days I mainly shoot for pleasure and occasionally take out the camera for client in need of some...