Steve Davis – Movie Star (Adult)

In the course of researching what aspects of my life to share through my composite About Me pages, I was quite shocked to learn I had overlooked the Adult Film Industry.

It took a colleague to point out that Steven Davis is a very famous gay porn star.

So, being one who has always bent over backwards to accommodate the wishes of colleagues, I fossicked through my drawers to find this old VHS movie case of one of my saucy, celluloid forays back from the 70s.

It was called “The Man ‘Behind’ The Mask” and went straight to video stores when they were invented a decade later.

As I recall, there was about as much substance to the plot as there is to the matted, stretched, faded VHS tape itself.

In summary, the story was about a man who developed a passion for New Zealand, volcanic ash facemasks. However, the dense minerals in the masks permeate his brain and draw him to British, conservative, political circles. (Most Australian movies of the era contrived story lines to include scenes shot in London).

I remember two scenes which caused a stir at the time were Swinging Voters and Should I Move It or Second It?

If you were indeed searching for that other Steven Davis, try him here.

And if you are a fellow “Steve Davis” working in this field somewhere else in the world, leave a comment and link, below.


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March 6, 2016